Saturday, April 16, 2005

hey Yall.

Originally uploaded by zavodk.
ok i know this isnt a new photo, but i found a program where you can make your own comic. I think i can have alot of fun with this one. Keep an eye out for more stuff soon

Thursday, April 14, 2005

We got some sun

Last sunday we went out for a little jaunt to make some noise and celebrate the begining of spring! it was a beautiful day. We were in the "Day of the Ram" parade. We had a lot of fun! the weather just made us so happy! Wicj is why we all cried when it snowed the next day.....

the horizon
Originally uploaded by zavodk.

ram parade pt 2

ram parade
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
We walked about 2 miles through the city, up the Munjoy hill to over look the Eastern prom. It was a warm day and when we got over the hill there was a cool breaze off of the bay, it was like summer for a day...the parade ended in a BBQ! fun for all!

ram dance

ram dance
Originally uploaded by zavodk.
Ok so i was in the park, and these two rams walked up and asked me to go in a bar......Just kidding this is a vew from the parade we got to join last sunday.